In your most popular poker variants (Hold'em, Omaha), the small blind is responsible to putting the 'small blind' into the pot before the hand starts, while the big blind must put the 'big blind' into the middle. For instance - let's say that you are playing in a $1/$2 cash game. Limit Hold'em is played with a fixed blind structure and fixed betting limits on each round. The big blind is usually equal to the smallest size bet, and the small blind is half the big blind. The first two rounds of betting use the small bet, and the last two use the large bet. There are two blinds that need to be posted; the small blind and the big blind. The small blind is the first player to the left of the dealer button. This player will post $5. The player to his left (and two seats to the left of the dealer button) is the big blind.
Mark Poker Articles, Poker Rules
This article is a part of the Poker Rules series.
Step 3: The Texas Hold’em No Limit Gameplay:
In my previous post in this series I described the different Texas Hold’em hands and how they rank against each other. We are now ready to move on to the actual Texas Hold’em game and how it’s played. In Texas Hold’em two players – the Big Blind and the Small Blind – are required to place bets (known as blinds) in the pot (the amount of money to be won in any single completed hand) before any cards are dealt. This means that in Texas Hold’em there will always be money to win in a hand. The dealer button rotates clockwise after each completed hand, and is used to represent the player holding the dealer position. The position of the dealer button also determines the position of the Big and Small Blind as the Small Blind is the player to the immediate left of the dealer and the Big Blind is the player to the left of the Small Blind (see the figure below). In online poker you don’t have to worry about the position of the dealer and Big and Small Blinds since this is all taken care of automatically by the poker software.

A Texas Hold’em hand begins with the dealer dealing one card face down in a clockwise manner to all the players at the table starting with the player to the immediate left of the Big Blind. Then the dealer deals one more card to each player in the same way.
When all players have two face down cards (known as hole or pocket cards) the first betting round (also known as the preflop betting round) begins, starting with the player to the immediate left of the Big Blind and continuing clockwise around the table. In No Limit Hold’Em the smallest possible bet is the same size as the Big Blind; there is no upper limit to bets. When it’s your turn to bet and you are not the Big Blind you have 3 options: Call, Raise or Fold.

- By calling you bet the same amount as the biggest bet made by the players acting before you.
- By raising you call the biggest bet made by the players acting before you and then place an additional bet over the top.
- By folding you choose not to continue playing your pocket cards, and you will be out of the game until the next hand starts.
When you are the Big Blind in the first betting round and nobody has made a bet larger than you big blind you can choose to Check, Raise or Fold. By checking you simply pass on the turn to the next player without making any bet. This is possible since you have already paid the Big Blind into the pot.
When the big blind has completed his/hers turn, the first three community cards – known as the flop- are dealt face up in the middle of the table. The second betting round then starts with the first player to the left of the dealer who is still playing the hand and continues clockwise. The second betting round ends with the dealer.
The next and 4th community card – known as the turn or the 4th street – is dealt face up and a third betting round follows in the same manner as the second betting round.

Finally the 5th and last community card – known as the river or the 5th street – is dealt face up and a fourth betting round follows in the same manner as the second and third betting rounds. If a player bets during the fourth betting round and all the other players remaining fold then he or she wins the pot without having to show his/hers pocket cards. If one or more players call then a showdown, where all remaining players reveal their pocket cards, determines the winner of the pot according to the hand ranking scheme I described earlier. So there you have it, the Texas Hold’em No Limit gameplay in all its simplicity. There are a couple of extra subtle details regarding special circumstances that may occur during the game, but I will go more into detail with these later.
My next post in this series will deal with choosing which starting hands to play depending on which position you are in relative to the dealer button.
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Texas Holdem is a great poker game and every good poker player will tell you that you could win a lot of money if you know how to play it. You do not have to worry if you are a beginner, because Texas Holdem is a very easy game to learn and in the same time it is very entertaining to play. You would probably face some difficulties in mastering the winning strategies of the game, but our Texas Holdem strategy section is here to help you. The rules of the game are very simple – up to ten players can play at one time and when the game starts, every gambler at the table receives his two pocket cards. Immediately after the deal, the first round of betting takes place. There are four betting rounds in Texas Holdem poker game and every player have the option to check, call, raise or fold when it is his turn. During the game, five community cards are dealt face-up in the middle of the table. All Texas Holdem players can use these cards to form their hand and at the end of the game the best five-card hand wins the pot. Check netent casino.
Poker Buttons and Blinds Explained
When you play Texas Holdem poker you have to know that there are two players who must put Blind Bets in order to create the pot. These Blind bets are forced bets, which are made before any cards are dealt. The two Blinds are posted by the two players to the immediate left of the dealer. The player to the left of the dealer places the “Small Blind” and the player to the left of the Small Blind places the Big Blind. The player at the Small Blind position has to bet half of the minimum bet at the table. The Small Blind is half of the Bid Blind, which means that the player at the Big Blind position has to bet equal to the minimum bet. In Texas Holdem poker the play proceeds in a clockwise order, which means that every player at the table will play from the Small Blind and Big Blind positions.
Blind Bets
The player to the left of the Big Blind is first to act and he has three options – to call, raise or fold. The two Blinds in the game have the option to check, call, raise or fold when the betting action returns to their position. In Texas Holdem poker, in order to stay in the hand, all gamblers at the table must match the Big Blind during the first betting round. So if the Big Blind is $50, all players must put $50 in the pot. If no one has raised before the Big Blind player, he has the option to fold, check or raise, but if someone has raised he can fold, call or raise. If no one at the table has placed a bet, the player at the Big Blind can check. In order to stay in the hand, the Small Blind player must put an amount in the pot, which is equal to the difference between the two blind bets. If you are in one of the Blind positions it is not very good because the two Blinds are early positions in the game. When you play from early position you do not have much information about the actions of your opponents and it will be quite difficult for you to win the hand. Also when you play from the Blinds it is very easy to lose money, because if you are dealt a bad hand and the community cards do not help you to continue playing you will lose your Blind Bet. But these bets are unavoidable in Texas Holdem poker and every player at the table will fall in Blind Bet position during the game.