Poker Hand Rankings - Poker Sequence Highest to Lowest
The first step to learning poker is to understand the poker hand rankings. According to the rules of the Poker game, players have to form a sets 5 playing cards, known as hands. Every poker card has value matched against the values of another poker hands. Understanding what hand has a higher value in poker or Texas Hold’em is an important early step in learning the game. Most of us know that Royal Flush is the best poker hand in the list poker hand ranking, but where do all of the other poker hands rank or poker sequence? Here is the complete list of Poker hand rankings from strongest to lowest.
Royal Flush
Omaha Hi Lo hand rankings are unique because to win the low half of the pot you must have at least an 8 low or better. Normally when playing games which use Ace to Five hand rankings all low hands count but not when playing Omaha Hi Lo. If there is no hand which qualifies as a low hand at showdown then the best high hand wins all of the pot. This method of ranking low hands is used in traditional Hi/Lo games, like Omaha Hi/Lo and Stud Hi/Lo, as well as in Razz, the ‘low only’ Stud game. Note that suits are irrelevant for Ace to Five low. A flush or straight does not ‘break’ an Ace to Five low poker hand. Aces are always a ‘low’ card when considering a low hand.
Royal Flush poker hand is made up of Ace, King, Queen, Jack and Ten of the same suit, a Royal Flush is an unbeatable poker hand. This poker hand is considered as the rarest hand in the poker game and the chances of winning a royal flush is, one in 2,598,960 possible hands. Royal Flush is the best hand in all the poker variations.
Straight Flush
Straight Flush poker arrangement consists of an order where there are five cards of a similar suit. The poker hand ranking card which is the premier and at the top of the arrangement wins in a situation of a draw. 40 different poker hands fall in the category of straight flush. The probability of winning a straight flush is one in 64,974 unique poker hands.
Four of a Kind
Four of a Kind is made of four cards of one rank and a kicker. Four of Kind is too known as quads, when two more players receive the equal value, then the highest kicker decides the winning pot. 624 possible Four of a Kind hand sequences and 156 different ranks of Four of a Kind in a 52 card deck. The possibility of getting a four of a kind is one in 4,165 unique poker hands.
Full House
Full House poker card consists of three cards of similar rank and two of an additional same rank. The player who has the highest similar poker ranking cards wins in a situation of a draw. The possibility of Full house poker ranking combinations in a 52 card deck is 3,744 and distinct ranks are 156. The possibility of hitting a Full House in poker game is about one time in every 694 deals.
This poker arrangement consists of five cards (not in a sequence) of a similar suit. The player who has the highest-ranked poker cards wins in a situation of a draw. Each flush is ranked first by the rank of its highest-ranking card, then by the rank of its second highest-ranking card and so on. A flush beats straight hand rankings. The Probability of getting a Flush is approximately one out every 509 hands. Flush poker hands never differ by suit, it differs by the rank of the card.
A straight is a hand that contains five cards of sequential rank, not all of the same suit. The player who has the highest- poker ranking card wins in a situation of a draw. In straight hand poker rankings, an Ace can be ranked either high (an Ace Hight Straight, A-T) or low (a Five High Straight, 5-A). An ace-high straight is the higher straight in poker hands ranking, is called a Broadway straight. The five-high straight is lower in the list of straight poker hand rankings, is called a baby straight.

Three of a Kind
It consists of three cards of similar rank and two cards of two other ranks. The player with the highest kicker triumphs in the situation of a draw. In poker, Three of a kind is also called as a set or trips. Set is nothing when a player has a pocket pair and wins a third on the flop. Trips can be explained as when you have one card in your hand and winning two more on the flop. In stud poker, a player gets Three of a Kind hand about one time in every 47 deals.
Two Pair
Two Pair is made up of four cards with two cards of similar rank and two cards of another same rank with a kicker. The player who has the highest kicker triumphs in the case of a draw. Always each Two Pair is ranked first by its highest pair, then by its second-highest pair and lastly by its kicker. The Two Pair poker arrangement can be the pair Aces, pair of K with a kicker of Q. In stud poker, players get two pair about one time in every 21 deals.
It is made up of one pair with any 3 Kicker cards. The player who has the highest or the second or third highest triumphs in the situation of a draw. The probability of getting One Pair poker hand is one in every two deals.
High Card
This hand does not fit in any of the poker sequences. The highest card wins in the situation of a draw. High card is not a great card and it is considered as the worst card in poker hand rankings.
It is very easy to memorize the poker hand rankings, it will help to think about hand values at the table while we decide the best way to play our hands. Poker game has many variants such as Texas Hold'em, Omaha, 5 card Omaha, seven-card or other games, the happiest part is these hand rankings tend to be the same among all variants of poker. Get your PokerStellar account and grab the best poker sign up bonus of Free Rs. 100 now.
The high-low split pot version of Omaha is a fun and exciting game, which we will refer to as Omaha/8. It is typically played as a fixed-limit game, but the pot-limit variety (known by the abbreviation PLO/8) is also popular, particularly online. The format, betting structure, and requirement to use two cards from your initial four hole cards, in conjunction with three cards from the board, is all the same as Omaha high but coupled with the addition of the best high and best low hands splitting the pot.
In our lesson on how to play Omaha we outlined that one major difference between Omaha and hold’em was the number of potential hands vying for the pot. In Omaha/8 that number remains constant as each hand still has six possibilities but now some of them are vying for the low end and others for the high. What this translates to is an action packed game with numerous bets and raises and large pots.
Omaha/8 Showdown Rules
Omaha/8 is a split pot game, which means that unless someone scoops the pot it will be split. There are two ways to scoop the entire pot. The first is to have both the best high and low hands. The other way is to possess the best high hand when no hand qualifies for the low.
The High Hand
The high hand in Omaha/8 is the identical to a winning hand in Omaha high. If there is no qualified low hand then the best high hand will win the pot.
Qualifying Low Hand
The rules for a qualifying low hand are as follows:
- Players may use any five cards in their hand for the low
- A low hand is five unpaired cards, no higher than an eight
- Aces are low for the low hand (and high for the high hand)
- Flushes and straights do not negatively impact the low hand
Ranking Low Hands

Low hands in Omaha/8 are ranked ‘top down’, from the highest card in the hand. For example is lower than . This is an example of a “7 low” versus an “8 low”.
If the highest card is equal in rank then the next highest card is used to determined the lowest hand. This means that is lower than because the second highest card among the five is lower. If the second highest card was the same then it would go to the third, fourth, and fifth card respectively. If players share the same low cards then the low half of the pot is split.
The best possible low hand in Omaha/8 is A-2-3-4-5, known as a ‘wheel’. Remember that low hands that are straights and flushes do not disqualify it from being low but, in fact, make it a two way hand and a candidate to scoop. While a Royal flush and a five high straight, called a wheel, would represent the best high and best low hands, the hand you really want at the showdown is a five high straight flush to scoop the pot with the best high and low hands.

Omaha/8 Hand Examples
Omaha Low Hand Rankings Chart
The basic rules are the same as Omaha high, in that you must use two of your hole cards with three on the board.
In the above example a low hand is not possible because the board doesn’t contain three cards that are eight or lower. Only the best high hand will win. The nuts for this board would be someone holding Jack-Queen for the straight. With (which is an excellent starting hand in Omaha/8) you would use along with the on the board to make a high-hand of one pair.
Here is a hand that would qualify for both the high and the low:
Omaha Hand Rankings
In the above example the board contains three card no higher than an eight; the . The hole cards in this example are very strong. In Omaha/8 you can use any two of your cards for the low and any two for the high-hand. The can be used for the nut high hand (flush) and can be used for the nut low ( A-2-3-7-8). This is a prime candidate for scooping the pot.
If you’re unsure how to work out low hands, which can be confusing at first, then don’t worry. The key is to count backwards from the highest low card first. As mentioned, the best low hand is A-2-3-4-5 which is a five-low hand, which when counting backwards would obviously be 5-4-3-2-A. The next best low hand would be a six-low of 6-4-3-2-A, followed by 6-5-3-2-A, then 6-5-4-2-A, then 6-5-4-3-A and so on. The highest card is counted first and if there’s a tie the next highest low card is counted.
The split pot rule makes it a very different game to Omaha-high. But it’s important to stress that Omaha/8 is not a game of splits. Whilst the best high hand will win half the pot and the best low hand will win the other half; scooping the entire pot is the true object of this poker game.
This game seems to have polarized poker fans in so far as they either love it or have a disdain for it. I like to call those who love it Omaholics and you should be careful, for if you are just getting started in this addictive form of poker, you may well join their ranks.
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By Tom 'TIME' Leonard
Tom has been writing about poker since 1994 and has played across the USA for over 40 years, playing every game in almost every card room in Atlantic City, California and Las Vegas.