Blackjack Betting Rules Rating: 7,9/10 7159 reviews

The Paroli strategy is a blackjack progressive betting system that takes advantage of winning streaks. Before playing, you’ll need to choose a number of wins in the progression. Let’s say your winning streak will start at three. Here is an example scenario. Seemingly complicated, the 1-3-2-6 blackjack betting strategy is actually much simpler than it looks at first glance. After deciding on the betting unit, the players will just need to make sure that the system is executed correctly, in accordance with the 1-3-2-6 sequence.

1. Introduction

The object of the game is to make the total point value of the Player's hand of cards exceed the total point value of the House hand of cards, without exceeding 21. Whoever has the best hand wins the game. The difference with 5 Box Blackjack is that in Single Box Blackjack, the Player is limited to playing only one hand at a time.

Over a long period of time, the game is likely to average a return to the player of 98.94% of the total bets made.

2. Participation Instructions

To place bets, the Player must move the cursor to the pictures of the chips in the lower right corner of the game window on their screen and left-click the chip value that they want to use. Move the cursor to the Betting Area in the centre of the Table, then left-click to place the bet. The chip will automatically appear in the betting circle with the total value of the bet written alongside. The bet amount will also appear at the top of the window.

Each left-click will increase the bet value by one chip of the same value, up to the maximum bet for that table. To use a different chip value for this bet, move the cursor back to the pictures of the chips at the lower-right corner of the game window on the screen and left-click on the new chip value. Then move the cursor back to the Betting Area on the table layout, and left-click again to increase the bet.

To remove your bet, hold the ALT key down and left-click on the mouse.

As soon as the bet(s) has been placed, left-click on the DEAL button to commence play. The system will automatically deal two hands of cards, with each hand initially consisting of two cards. The Player's hand will consist of two cards facing up. The House hand will consist of one card facing up, and one card facing down.

At the Players' discretion, the third and any additional cards can be drawn to their hand(s). When acting on their hand(s), the Players may request or decline additional cards by use of the mouse. Left-click on the HIT button to draw another card or the STAND button to retain the current hand.

If dictated by the Drawing Rules, set out below, the third and any additional cards will then be drawn to the House hand.

If Player's hand does not go over 21, otherwise known as 'BUST', and has a higher point value than the House hand, the Player wins. Otherwise, the Player loses. All losing bets will be collected, and all winning bets paid. If a bet is a winner, the winnings will be posted to the Player's credit balance and updated in the Credits display at the top of the game window.

If both hands have the same point value, that game is a tie, otherwise known as 'PUSH' and neither side wins or loses so the bet is refunded back to the Player.

When the hand is finished, the PLAY AGAIN button in the game window on the screen will illuminate. Left-click on this button to begin the next game.

SBOBET Casino may, in the event of an unfinished hand, in its absolute discretion and without giving any reason or advance notice, play the Player's hand as a STAND. In this event the Player must accept the result of the STAND whatever the outcome of the House hand. All losing bets will be collected, and all winning bets paid.

3. Drawing Rules

In the game of Blackjack there are drawing rules that apply to the House hand, as provided below in Table 1. The House must draw with any hand totalling 16 or less, and must stand with any hand totalling 17 or more. The system will automatically draw or stand accordingly.

There are no drawing rules for the Player's hand. The Player may take as few, or as many, cards as they desire (unless the House has Blackjack or the Player has gone Bust). When acting on their hand(s), the Player may request or decline additional cards by use of the mouse. Left-click on the HIT button to draw another card or the STAND button to retain the current hand.

Table I - House Hand
Total of First Two CardsHit or Stand
17 and higherStand

4. Card Values

All cards numbered 2 through 10 are worth their face value.

All “Picture Cards” (Jacks, Queens and Kings) are worth 10 points.

All Aces are worth 1 or 11, depending on which value would produce the highest total without exceeding 21

5. Table and Bet Options

The maximum and minimum bet limits will only be displayed within the Gaming Rules Menu of this Game after the Player has logged in.

6. Payout Odds

Payouts are determined at standard odds that are identical to those used in all of the major Casinos of America, Europe and Asia.

Winning BLACKJACKS receive payout odds of 3 to 2 (1.5 to 1)

Winning INSURANCE bets receive payout odds of 2 to 1.

All other winning hands receive payout odds of 1 to 1 (EVEN MONEY).

Blackjack betting strategy 2-1-2

Blackjack Terms

Explanations of some commonly used Blackjack terms below.

BlackjackAs well as being the name of the game, Blackjack is also the best hand. It consists of any Ace and any ten-valued card in the initial two-card hand. When a Blackjack appears, whether for the Player or for the House, no other cards are drawn. Blackjack is an automatic winner, except against another Blackjack, in this case the hand is a PUSH (also called a TIE or STAND-OFF).
BustIf drawing additional cards by either the Player or the House results in a card total exceeding 21, that hand has “too many” and is considered to have Bust. A Bust Player hand loses automatically. When this occurs, the House will not draw a third or any additional cards for the House hand, and that hand is finished.
DoubleOn any two-card hand, the Player may choose to double their bet. This allows the Player the opportunity to win double. The DOUBLE button in the game window will illuminate to advise the Player that this option is available. If the Player decides to Double, they can now left-click on this DOUBLE and an additional bet will be placed alongside the initial bet, which is fixed at a value equal to the initial bet. One card will be dealt automatically to the Player's hand. The Player will not be allowed to draw more than one additional card. If the Player decides not to Double, the game will continue as normal.
Hit / StandThe Player has to decide whether to Hit, meaning to draw an additional card(s) or to stand, meaning to retain the current hand. The Player may Hit or Stand by left-clicking on the HIT or STAND buttons provided in the game window. The House has to Hit or Stand according to the Drawing Rules.
InsuranceIf the exposed House card is an Ace, the Player will be offered the opportunity to buy Insurance. The INSURANCE button in the game window will illuminate to advise the Player that this bet is available. The Player may now left-click on this button to place an Insurance bet, which is fixed at a value of half the initial bet. After the Player decides to accept or decline Insurance, the system will check if the House hand has Blackjack. If the House does have Blackjack, the Player will receive payout odds of 2-1 for the insurance bet (half the initial bet), and the Insurance bet will be returned to the Player. The Player will of course lose the initial bet. So the net effect is that the Player breaks even. If the House does not have Blackjack, the Player loses the Insurance bet and the game then continues as usual.
SurrenderIf the Player feels that the initial two-card hand is not strong enough to beat the House hand, the Player may choose to Surrender. This action will finish the hand at that point, with a loss of half of the initial bet. The SURRENDER button in the game window will illuminate to advise the Player that this option is available. The Player can now left-click on this button and half the original bet will be returned.
SplitIf the Player's first two cards are of equal value, they are called a pair. This allows the Player the opportunity to play two hands and win twice. The SPLIT button in the game window will illuminate to advise the Player that this option is available. The Player may now left-click on this button and an additional bet will be placed alongside the initial bet, which is fixed at a value equal to the initial bet. If the Player's decides to Split the pair, one card will be dealt automatically to the first of the two Split hands. The Player will then have the option to draw additional cards until that hand is completed, using the HIT, DOUBLE or STAND buttons. However, when the Player Splits aces they can only draw one card for each hand. If the Player decides not to Split the pair, the game continues as normal.
Twenty-OneThis is the next best hand after a Blackjack. It consists of three or more cards totalling 21.

Most blackjack players use flat betting, which is when you bet the same amount all the time. However, some gamblers want more. Progressive blackjack betting systems are popular among players who want to win big and bring more excitement to the game.

In this article, we’ll look into two types of progressive betting in blackjack (positive and negative), and the most common systems for each type. By the end, you’ll have a good understanding of whether a progressive approach is for you.

Progression Betting: Definition

What is progressive blackjack betting? Such systems have specific rules and conditions for either raising or decreasing the bet size. You take the results of the previous hand into consideration when adjusting your stakes. Exactly how you adjust depends on the system being used, i.e., whether it is a negative progression or a positive progression.

Generally, the most well-known systems are very easy to learn. The progressive blackjack rules are straightforward and only involve minor calculations. Also, there is no need to prepare. Other than having sufficient funds, you can start using any system whenever you want.

Positive Blackjack Betting Progressions

Positive progression implies that you need to bet higher when you’re winning and lower when you’re losing. Of course, it’s hard to tell when a winning or losing streak will end. So, like in all instances of progressive blackjack betting, you need to take it slow. If you increase your bets in small amounts, it will help you avoid getting wiped out by a series of losses.


The Paroli strategy is a blackjack progressive betting system that takes advantage of winning streaks. Before playing, you’ll need to choose a number of wins in the progression. Let’s say your winning streak will start at three. Here is an example scenario:

  1. You bet $5 and win $5.
  2. For the next round, you bet $10 and win $10.
  3. The third time you place $20.
  4. Regardless of the outcome, you go back to the original $5 bet and start over.

If you lose at any part of your three-win progression, you’ll need to begin the sequence over again.

One Half Up

Blackjack Betting Rules

Another popular progression is One Half Up, where you raise your bet after two consecutive wins. Each bet after that is increased by one half of your original bet. Here is how it works out:

  1. Suppose your first successful bet is $10.
  2. You place another $10, and if you want, you can start the progression.
  3. The next bet is $15 (one-half higher than the original one).
  4. If you win, you place $20 and so one.
  5. If you lose, you go back to the original $10 with a profit.

Negative Blackjack Betting Progressions

A negative progression is based on the idea of increasing your bets after a loss. The reason is that when you eventually win, it will offset all the previous losses. Many players are especially interested in learning how to play progressive blackjack because negative progression promises massive returns (if you win).


Blackjack Betting Chart

The Martingale system is one of the oldest and most popular betting methods. It’s based on the notion that it’s unlikely to have numerous consecutive losses and a big win is bound to break it up. Here, whenever a player loses, they need to double their next bet to win the money back. After winning, they start over. Here is an example:

  1. You place $5 and lose the hand.
  2. The next bet is $10.
  3. If you win, you go back to $5 bets; if you lose, you raise the stakes to $20.
  4. Continue the cycle of doubling the bet size until you win.


This system also requires you to raise your bet by one unit after losses and lower them after wins. You need to decide what the unit would be before you start playing. It can be $1, $10, or anything else. Obviously, we recommend going for smaller units. For a $1 unit, it plays out like this:

  1. Place $1, and if you lose, you’ll place $2; if you win, place $1.
  2. Bet $2 and if you lose, raise it to $3; if you win, lower the next bet by $1.

If you have the same number of wins as you do losses, you will make a profit.

The Dangers of Progression Betting in Blackjack

The premise behind progressive betting in blackjack is based on the gambler’s fallacy. Many people believe that if a coin landed on heads ten times in a row, then it would be more likely to land on tails the next time.

They apply this belief to blackjack as well. However, each time you play, the outcome depends on your skill, dealer’s hand, the house edge, and many other factors. But the likelihood of your next win is never affected by the results of the previous hand.

If you had an unlimited pot of money to bet with, you would have enough flexibility to play with progressions. But no one has an unlimited bankroll, and it leaves them exposed to big losses. Players would either run out of money or reach the table betting limits.


There are no foolproof systems that guarantee profits in online blackjack games. You have a much better chance to win if you use card counting techniques. Also, as a beginner, you should master basic strategy before playing for real money. A combination of the two will give you better results than diving straight into betting strategies.

If you’re still interested in trying progression betting in gambling games, we recommend sticking to positive systems. The negative betting progressions are too dangerous, and you risk spending your entire bankroll if you use them consistently. But a positive system is much gentler to your funds as well as your emotional stability.

Regardless of which betting system you go for, you are guaranteed to have a great experience at Bob Casino. Access a prime selection of the best online casino games in the gambling industry from the comfort of your own home!

Best Blackjack Betting Strategy

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